I've come to realize in the past few days that my life is full of blessings. Not that I didn't realize this before, but sometimes we just need to open our eyes in the middle of a storm and stand still. If we can all just shut up for a minute we can hear God speaking to us, and what He says is very comforting. First lets visit the fact that the adoption didn't exactly work out. I was told once by someone that 'God must think you're a pretty good mom to boys, and that's why you're getting another one.' Perhaps I'm not ready, yet, for raising a girl. I may just need a feisty little boy to practice on first! Second, all the problems that have arisen during this pregnancy. The problems themselves are not quite a blessing, but it does make me thankful that I was able to experience the process one last time. The fact that I remain asymptomatic with the placenta previa is a miracle to more than just myself. The Dr. was indeed suprised at this as well - hidden blessing. The sheer size of the baby - a placenta previa baby at that - hidden blessing. I ran into a friend yesterday that gave birth 8 weeks early to her son. He is still in the NICU 3 weeks after birth. He was 3 pounds at birth and can't suck. I am so blessed that this baby is not trying to get out, and he is so big. Third, I have a fantastic family. The big guy is a week from finishing his clinicals for good, then he's done with school. He will be home all week long! Flippity is such a good helper and easy child to deal with - a bonus when hormones are raging.
Sometimes He calms the storm with a whispered 'peace be still'
He can settle any sea, but it doesn't mean He will
Sometimes He holds us close
And lets the wind and waves go wild
Sometimes He calms the storm, and other times He calms His child.
-Scott Krippayne
I am so glad you have found some Peace in the center of all this. You are a strong woman and I am so proud that you are part of my family!! Love you!! Will talk to you after the cruise!!!
Aunt Sara
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you complete your pregnancy. The words of the song you quoted ran through my head over and over as I desperately waited for my adoption referral, and I have recommended to some friends struggling with infertility. I find that some music has awonderful ability to heal.
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