Friday, May 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby M!

1 year old today...

1 comment:

40sDiva said...

From the desk of Aunt Lippie:

Baby M is one of the cutest babies ever (and this is not just a biased opinion - look at the kid's face, for crying out in the night! He's freaking adorable! I just want to eat that little nose right off, but I won't!) Dana is right, he is angry sometimes and this is a difficult thing for Dana to deal with. I think he should be ignored, for it is attention he wants. If only he weren't so adorable.... He will outgrow the rage, once he can speak clearly and say what it is that is bothering him, I am sure of that. But when will that be? No one knows for sure... It took Flippity a while to talk, but he managed to communicate with sign language. I guess Baby M is just a different child with a different personality. It will all balance out in a few years. Hang in there, Dana - your boys do love you very much.