Several good things are happening here. Baby M is starting to sleep at night thanks to the really expensive formula. He has 2 teeth now and can crawl. He is slooooowly starting to become less clingy. Flippity is registered for Kindergarten in the fall and will begin to ride the bus home from his morning class soon. We have been 'waiting' one month for our baby girl. I have been accepted to the nursing program for the fall. Hopefully I will be able to finish the classes before we have to go get her, but if not that's O.K. too. The Big Guy just got his big raise, and now we can afford to live from paycheck to paycheck without robbing Peter to pay Paul. Finally, our taxes are done. Here's some new stuff to look at.
10 months ago
Wow! Those two are adorable. And congratulations on all the good things happening! I hope your referral wait is quick and as painless as possible -- I know for me the time has been whizzing by, thanks to Hayat's "help." :)
YES he does look like his daddy. They are both so so cute!! What great smiles!!!
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